Payment & Shipping Methods:

Payment Info:

We accept the following:
  • Debit & Credit Cards (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, JCB)
  • PayPal & PayPal Credit

Offline Ordering: We do not accept any form of offline ordering as we no longer accept checks or money orders.


We have revised our way of shipping as outlined below:

FED EX - We do not have Fed Ex pick up here for our area, so it is not an option at all, sorry!

We ship using the U.S. Postal Service.

  • We are not shipping UPS at this time due to no local drop off for a while.
  • U.S. Postal Service (USPS)

    Priority Mail - this takes 2-3 business days to arrive to you once it ships and can be a more expensive method depending on weight, size and your destination from us.

    First Class Mail Parcel
    - using this method your package MUST WEIGH LESS THAN 15.99 OUNCES. Generally, smaller items that we can put in a padded envelope that will not be likely to break or into a small box that does not exceed 15.99 ounce in shipping weight. This method is not available to choose when calculating as shipping estimation if over the weight limit on the view cart page..

    Ground Advantage (Formerly known as Parcel Select or Parcel Post) - This shipping option takes anywhere from 2-7 days to arrive to you. It is sometimes somewhat cheaper than Priority Mail but sometimes it is nearly the same or even more, it just depends the weight of package and your destination from us.